Monday, June 23, 2014

Mobility Technology and Marketing: Week 3 Discussion Post

     I believe the first objective here would be to make sure everyone is aware of the facility’s wireless network. We will place information in strategic places (video board, signs/banners outside and inside arena) letting fans know how to access the network, and some of the features on our arena home page. These features will include replays, player profiles, and arena information such as where to find certain concessions.

     Interspersed throughout the arena application will be various offers and promotions. The main focus of these promotions will be our campaign for selling next year’s season tickets. We will begin by offering incentives, such as a discount on the tickets or a free jersey, for those who purchase a season ticket package at the box office during or immediately after that particular game. We will also provide a link to a page where fans can enter their contact information so they may speak with a sales representative in the future. We will inform fans that all those who sign up for season tickets will receive some sort of team related merchandise, but the value will be determined by how soon they sign up. For example, discount or jersey for signing up at that game, a t-shirt for signing up at a much later date.

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