Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Mobility Technology and Marketing: Week 4 Discussion Post

     When it comes to marketing, the bottom line is always the ROI, or Return On Investment. With a digital or mobile marketing campaign this return may not necessarily be monetary, but there is always an end goal that is desired. This end may be brand awareness. Either way, metrics must be derived to at least estimate if a marketing strategy will be worth undertaking. Being able to forecast revenue and growth is a key component when dealing with potential clients. Showing that you have done your research and are confident your strategy will reach the desired goals is a great way to get the relationship off to a positive start. The CMO Guide to Marketing ROI from this week’s readings contains a good tip that I believe is another key component for clients, and that is “Create a culture of continuous improvement”. Yes, in the end you want to reach the desired goal, but it is also important to set smaller milestones along the way that show steady improvement. Most organizations want to see ROI over different time periods, or see certain hurdles met before they will continue to invest.
     Slightly off subject here, but I wanted to point out that, a digital marketing guidance website, has created this amazing Digital Marketing Transit Map. It is displayed as a regular transit map but with neighborhood names replaced by business functions such as ad ops or web ops. The tracks and stations along them are different strategies and applications used by them. For example, the social line begins in the social neighborhood, runs through the hub where all lines meet, and ends in the marketing neighborhood. The most interesting line off all of course is the mobile line. It runs in a continuous circle through all of the neighborhoods and the hub, stopping at stations such as augmented reality in the data neighborhood and QR codes in the ad neighborhood.

Digital Marketing Transit Map. Retrieved June 25, 2014, from

Monday, June 23, 2014

Mobility Technology and Marketing: Week 3 Discussion Post

     I believe the first objective here would be to make sure everyone is aware of the facility’s wireless network. We will place information in strategic places (video board, signs/banners outside and inside arena) letting fans know how to access the network, and some of the features on our arena home page. These features will include replays, player profiles, and arena information such as where to find certain concessions.

     Interspersed throughout the arena application will be various offers and promotions. The main focus of these promotions will be our campaign for selling next year’s season tickets. We will begin by offering incentives, such as a discount on the tickets or a free jersey, for those who purchase a season ticket package at the box office during or immediately after that particular game. We will also provide a link to a page where fans can enter their contact information so they may speak with a sales representative in the future. We will inform fans that all those who sign up for season tickets will receive some sort of team related merchandise, but the value will be determined by how soon they sign up. For example, discount or jersey for signing up at that game, a t-shirt for signing up at a much later date.

Monday, June 2, 2014

NHL "Tell a Friend" Campaign Begins Today

NHL's New "Tell a Friend" Campaign Begins

Guest Blogger Sidney Crosby

     Hello hockey fans, this is Sidney Crosby here, center for and Captain of the Pittsburgh Penguins. First off, I would like to say that this past season was a good one. Obviously we are disappointed that we could not bring home the ultimate prize, but we tried our best and had fun for the most part, and there is always next year. 
     I would like to thank the National Hockey League for giving me this opportunity to be the initial spokesperson for their new campaign, "Tell a Friend". The goal here guys (and gals of course) is for you, the greatest sports fans in the world, to spread the word about how awesome and exciting NHL hockey is to watch. It's as simple as that. Just tell all your friends and relatives that don't are watch the game for one reason or another, that they should. You don't have to get mean or anything like that, I understand that not everyone is going to like everything. In fact we are using the opposite tactic. We want to show people that the game is not as violent as some might think, and that there are many more happy moments. In fact, we will be holding a photo contest in which you can showcase how happy you and your friends are when you get together to watch hockey. Be sure to visit for rules and information.
     The first video promotion of the campaign has been released and is available for viewing here. Photos and other information are also available on the NHL's Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest pages. This blog will be updated in the coming days by some of my friends around the league so make sure you check back often, you never know who might show up.